domingo, 10 de maio de 2009

Work at Home!

Increasingly, with new technology, you can work at home. Now, we can make of our bed, our room, our kitchen, even of our bathroom, our office. This is a great advantage for couples with children that need to be home to take care of them. Let see other advantages:

- Working in pajamas

Will no longer need waste time on choosing the clothes to take to work!

- Not having the boss always annoy us

Must be nice, not having the boss always around us!

- Having a very flexible schedule.

We can make your own schedule.

- Work fewer hours.

If we are well organized, can work less hours per day!

- Have more freedom to create.

Without the stress of pressure of time and people always press us, we become more able to take new ideas.

- Take time for family and for the house.

If we are at home, we can work, and at the same time, take care of our family!


But there are also disadvantages, like any other kind of work. For example, we have no opportunity to relate to other people, we cannot leave the house much, which is frustrating. The opportunity to work in a team also is not the same. Working at home can also bring us some health problems, such as problems of vision, or column, because we are sitting so long.

As in everything there are good things and bad things when working at home!

1 comentário:

  1. Really cool post! Must be great to be able to work at home. I wish school worked that way. I hate waking up early. xD
