domingo, 10 de maio de 2009


Hundreds of children are slaves, working without receiving anything in return, trying to escape this cycle of abuse they face. The slavery exists when a human being exercising power over another by means of force.

In some societies the slaves were seen as a commodity where prices varied according to sex, age and place where they would work. There are several cases of child slavery, here is one: Alia Camará, worked in carpentry and went to school in the town of Kindia, the central part of Guinea-Conakry, but when his father died the older brother took him to a man who had the same surname, because people think there is a degree of kinship when the surname is the same.

So to convince the tutor to let him be an apprentice carpenter Alia was forced to sell plastic buckets on the streets. Despite having changed its "occupation", Alia is not being paid but feels confident in its future. "I would like to open a carpentry and save other children in the same situation, and if one day I have a child, he will help him and I will always ensure him to study to learn a profession."

Alia Camará planning a door

They are also a number of immigrants who fall in the clutches of mafia organizations that enslave. They start by getting them the documentation that serves as an excuse to pay the debt of travel, accommodation and bribe the authorities to be able to stay in the country. Shortly after these immigrants realize that this debt is not netted and to grow. Alone, unknown in the language of the country that are illegal and undocumented, immigrants become an easy prey for the mafia organizations.

There are some traylers of movies about slavery:


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