terça-feira, 12 de maio de 2009

Occupations of the future

The labour market is expanding its area and it’s good to keep an eye and see if you can combine pleasure with money. You have to see if your course is your face and if it’s considered as a gainful way of the future. New courses appear every day in order to meet demands of the labour market by practitioners or by the division of traditional skills. Some new graduates may represent good opportunities for work. Here are two examples of occupations of the future.

The Gerontology is the science that studies the aging process of human beings and ways of promoting better quality of life. The gerontology can create and implement projects that promote the happiness of the elderly population, working in public agencies in the area of social assistance. This professional is able to assist people in the 3rd age, acting against discrimination and encouraging them to develop activities that cause them pleasure and social inclusion. Specific groups such as residents of the street, old people abandoned by families, immigrants and people with special needs may be the focus of the work of gerontology. Hospitals, clinics, specialized clinics, health centres and coexistence, non-governmental organizations and houses of families are some of the places where their assistance is most required.

Communication of the Arts of bodies
This course is new and toward those who consider the body as the primary means of human communication, even before the drawings and speech. The art produced by the body is seen as one of the steps of the man in your evolutionary process. By understanding the body as part of the language you can search the artistic creations of dance, theatre and performance as processes of communication. The profession is not yet on the market, but it is possible to predict its success, because innovation is a concern in research on knowledge that until then were isolated, as communication and the arts. This professional will be able to develop new techniques of communication body, scenic procedures, and use technology as ally in the development of innovations in the advertising market and medium.

Source: http://www.vestibular.brasilescola.com/profissoes-futuro

1 comentário:

  1. ooh this post is so cutchi also criative!! I never think of ocuppations for the future but tecnologies nowadays do almost everything isn't it right? I'm impressed and also curious to know more about it, very good post !
    very well done, kiss kiss*
