domingo, 17 de maio de 2009

The New World of Work!

And if I had spoken about the old jobs, why not talk about the future jobs?

Rute had said all about this subject, so I will just show a video that I found on YouTube about the new world of work and that I found very usefull and interesting.

The video shows us how will be the new world of work, who will manage it and what the main objects of work. We can see that the world will be run by the children of today, and that work will revolve around the computers...

Wacth the video carafully, because it is very interesting and shows us a great reality!


The world's oldest jobs!

Hey there! =)

Well, the worl of work exists for many years as we all know. Since my colleague Rute spoke about the professions of the future, I decided to talk about the world's oldest jobs... They are many, like we can imagine, but I will talk only about some of them, the best known and characteristics of Potugal! Let see it!

Jobs that still exist:

The nanny
The seamstress
The sharpening Scissors
The barber
The housemaid
The rammer
The shoeblack
The photographer à lá minute
The Chimneys cleaner
The postman
The digger
The fisherman
The farmer
The police
The shoemaker
The seller of nuts
The ice-sream seller
The prostitute

Extinct Jobs:

The water bearer
The paperboy
The laundress
The stevedore (charger)
The milliner
The operator
The seller of chicken
The seller of rent
The seller of snaks

quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2009

Marlee Matlin, "leading lady" for people with disabilities

I decided to post this video because I found the video very interesting, and I think this woman is very courageous. I think it's important that disabled people struggle to be seen equal in the world of work. For example this woman is a normal person, she's only deaf, and she does everything that someone else does. I think it's important that nowadays people open their eyes and see that we are all equal, and it won't be a small thing that will change that.

Congratulations Marlee Matlin for fighting for your rights.

How to enter the world of work

The most important document to access the world of work is the curriculum. The curriculum is a summary of our data, our training, our experience and even our non-professional activities. The curriculum is an image of ourselves, and a well made curriculum opens’ us doors to good jobs. It’s important a careful presentation of our curriculum.

The curriculum should include a personal identification with all the data needed to be contactable, the education level, the averages obtained, etc; vocational training such as diplomas acquired, domain of a certain language, literacy, among others; the experience, which must be written with the rigor of work experience and internships made; and finally extra-professional activities, such as activities of leisure, cultural activities, etc…

A curriculum should meet the following rules:
· Be written by computer and have no spelling mistakes
· Do not exceed 2 to 3 pages
· Be written in 1st person and be clear with what you can do
· Do not write the numbers in words
· Write the date always the same way
· If you use acronyms, write its significance

If you have a good curriculum, presentable and with the aspects mentioned above, the employer will have a good idea of you, and if you have the right skills, you can get a good job.


Advantages and disadvantages of technology

The technologies are not always a solid method to work, since they have different advantages and disadvantages. As we have advantages: a more rapid communication, which reduces the distance-time and also an increasingly lower cost, such as the Internet.

As disadvantages we have the uncertainty, the computer viruses, sometimes impossible for the workers performing their work, the danger of fraud in electronic commerce for example.

The lack of attention to issues of ethical, dangers associated with "living" with strangers on the Internet and ultimately dangerous for human health (emission of harmful radiation and problems of dependency).

As we can see, there are more disadvantages than advantages, and sometimes the home is not always the most profitable.

Rights and duties of workers

For to enter the world working people have rights and duties to fulfil, so that there is moderation, rules and discipline in the workplace. Certain rights are:
* Be treated with equal access to employment, vocational training and promotion;
* Work a maximum of 40 hours per week and 8 hours per day, except for special situations such as under the adaptability;
* At least one rest day per week;
* Receive a special consideration by the night-time work;
* Resort to strike to defend their interests.

This is only a few workers' rights, in labour relations.
Now then present some of the duties of the employee:
* To deal with education and employment, fellow workers and other persons who establish business relations;
* Attend the service with diligence and punctuality;
* Perform the work with zeal and diligence;
* Comply with the orders of the employer in all respects to the performance of work, except insofar as it was against their rights and guarantees;
* Save loyalty to the employer, including not negotiating for himself or others in competition with him, or disseminating information concerning its organization, methods of production or business.
So if we carry out our duties, the work will be done more clearly and more easily met.

terça-feira, 12 de maio de 2009

Occupations of the future

The labour market is expanding its area and it’s good to keep an eye and see if you can combine pleasure with money. You have to see if your course is your face and if it’s considered as a gainful way of the future. New courses appear every day in order to meet demands of the labour market by practitioners or by the division of traditional skills. Some new graduates may represent good opportunities for work. Here are two examples of occupations of the future.

The Gerontology is the science that studies the aging process of human beings and ways of promoting better quality of life. The gerontology can create and implement projects that promote the happiness of the elderly population, working in public agencies in the area of social assistance. This professional is able to assist people in the 3rd age, acting against discrimination and encouraging them to develop activities that cause them pleasure and social inclusion. Specific groups such as residents of the street, old people abandoned by families, immigrants and people with special needs may be the focus of the work of gerontology. Hospitals, clinics, specialized clinics, health centres and coexistence, non-governmental organizations and houses of families are some of the places where their assistance is most required.

Communication of the Arts of bodies
This course is new and toward those who consider the body as the primary means of human communication, even before the drawings and speech. The art produced by the body is seen as one of the steps of the man in your evolutionary process. By understanding the body as part of the language you can search the artistic creations of dance, theatre and performance as processes of communication. The profession is not yet on the market, but it is possible to predict its success, because innovation is a concern in research on knowledge that until then were isolated, as communication and the arts. This professional will be able to develop new techniques of communication body, scenic procedures, and use technology as ally in the development of innovations in the advertising market and medium.
